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Medicare Billing Courses

Welcome to Better Billing,
the choice for online MBS education

ashley van leeuwestyn

Ash Van Leeuwestyn

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Here's who I am & what I do

I'm Ash, a successful business owner who sold my company, making a significant impact in the business landscape. Motivated by a new calling, I shifted gears and pursued a career as a GP registrar to follow my passion for medicine.


Since commencing my career in General Practice, I noticed a gap in knowledge regarding Medicare billing education among GPs and registrars. Driven by this realisation, I dedicated my spare time to mastering the intricacies of the MBS.

BetterBilling was driven by my deep passion for educating and empowering GPs and GP registrars in mastering the MBS.

The recurring phrase, "I need to get my billings better," echoed amongst those approaching me in search of guidance and support. In response, BetterBilling was created with a clear mission to optimise billing practices, enabling healthcare professionals to achieve better financial outcomes and most importantly, deliver exceptional patient care.


What we do

MBS Education

MBS Course 

Medicare Education, Medicare Course 

Billing Course


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