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    Billing Master + Coaching

    Every month
    Valid for 6 months
    • Billing Master inclusions with all courses and templates
    • Members only access community forum for unlimited Q&A
    • Direct access to your Coach, Ash with 6 one on one sessions
    • Individual Goal setting and techniques refined
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  • Courses only

    Valid for 6 months
    • Unlimited access to all online courses
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  • Billing Master

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    • Unlimited access to all courses
    • Unlimited access to Documentation Templates
    • Members only access community forum for unlimited Q&A
    • Free access to Online Events
  • Best Value

    Billing Master + Coaching

    Valid for 6 months
    • Billing Master inclusions with all courses and templates
    • Members only access community forum for unlimited Q&A
    • Direct access to your Coach, Ash with 6 one on one sessions
    • Individual Goal setting and techniques refined
  • Documentation Shortcuts

    Valid for 3 months
    • One off payment
    • Unlimited access to templates
    • Regular new creations and updates of templates
    • Request new templates you would like to see
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